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Are you still debating on whether or not you should start an email list? Today’s podcast is all about email marketing strategies and why you should start your email list RIGHT NOW.   Our guest, Mary McLeod, is the Marketing Manager at If I Made and has been in the wedding industry for almost a decade. […]

Business Tips, Render Podcast

Email Marketing Strategies

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“See, when we treat our inventory like investments, we now have a new perspective on the products we buy.” – Cam Petty Palmer The most popular questions we get all the time revolve around how to price inventory or services, and we’re here to tell you that we get it. It’s tough! We’ve had years […]

Business Tips, Render Podcast

EXCLUSIVE: Lesson from Rental Biz Academy

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 “Sometimes doors have to close forcefully for you to actually make a move” – Emily Newman PIVOT is the buzzword of the year, and if you own a business in 2020, you know this to be especially true. It is a tough time, and while we recognize that and have been greatly affected by it, […]

Business Tips, Render Podcast

2020 Buzzword, Pivot

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